Terms & conditions
Transport information
We will get back to you within a week after ordering with a final delivery date. Estimated deliverydate is 2-5 weeks from your order has been sent, depending on the availability on the products in your order. Our transport partner on domestic deliveries is Schencker, that delivers to your door on weekdays between 15:00 and 21:00 Norwegian time.
Transport rates
The transport rate for most orders is a flat rate of NOK 550,- We have two exeptions:
1. small goods as the accessories for Krobo, and sitting-pillows, that will have a lower rate on NOK 250,- and
2. our largest furniture that requires special treatement during transportation that will have a rate of NOK 1500,-
Please contact us on office@fjordfiesta.com if you have any questions.
Ordering and contract process
Once we receive your order, an order confirmation will automatically be sent to your registered email. Please check that it is in compliance with the order: The products you’ve ordered and their cost.
The order is binding when it has been registered in our online store and payment is made or invoice issued. We are bound by your order if it does not differ from what we offer in our web store, marketing or otherwise.
You still have the right to regret the purchase in accordance with the Norwegian law; Angrerettloven, It provides you the right to regret your purchase with us within 14 days of receiving the item. However, you will have to pay the return postage, enclosing the return form that is attached to your email order confirmation. Read more about it here.
Information given in the online store
We strive to always give our customers correct and up to date information about all of our products. We do however reserve the right for misprints to occur, and that we, because of this, are unable to deliver according to the information given in our online store, marketing or otherwise. Keep in mind that our products are largely made with natural materials and variations in the pattern color and execution will occur. This does not give a right for claim or regret of purchase. Furthermore, we reserve the right to cancel your order or parts of your order, if the purchased product is taken out of production or amended in terms of performance or quality.
When you order products via our website you will be automatically registered for our monthly newsletter. If you wish to be removed from this list send us an email to office@fjordfiesta.com, mark your email with "unsubscribe newsletter". You can also easily unsubscribe by following the link at the bottom of the newsletter.
Disputes and applicable law
Disputes over the terms and associated regulations, and disputes concerning where the disputed and where the following legal matters fall within the ordinary courts, with our nearest court of jurisdiction.
All legal issues arising will be judged according to Norwegian law, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.
All contents of our website are protected by copyright, marketing and trademark laws. This means that trademarks, product names, information about products, including, but not limited to; products information and reviews, weight, photos or other images, graphics, design and layout, and other content on this website under no circumstances can be downloaded, copied or used in any other way unless this is expressly permitted by applicable law or after written consent from us.